The House Democrats have itemized the impact of the Governor’s proposed budget on individual school corporations. (h/t Blue Indiana). The full spreadsheet, school district-by-school district, is available here (pdf).
The gorillas in the room are Indianapolis Public Schools and Gary Community School Corporation who stand to have their funding cut by $43.5 million (-14.88%) and $25 million (-22.41%) respectively for 2010-2011. The third school corporation in terms of cuts, Anderson Community School Corp. is at about $5 million (-7.5%). Also of interest to me is my alma mater, the Richmond Community Schools, which look to have their funding cut by $1.8 million (-4.84%).
My local schools, Tippecanoe School Corp. Lafayette Community Schools, and West Lafayette come out much better, relatively speaking with increases over the two year period of $5 million (+7.3%), $577,000 (+1.2%); and $300,000 (+2.41%) respectively.
Hoosier 1 says
How would any of these corporations survive with that kinda cut?
Parker says
How does that square with student population changes?
I hope the folks making decisions are looking at five years of history, at least, for both dollars and student counts.