House Bill 1262 – Bankruptcy exemptions. Raises the various bankruptcy exemptions. Requires the department of financial institutions to adjust exemption amounts every six years beginning in 2010. (See here for details. Passed 48-0.
HB 1288 Title 20 recodification. Recodifies Title 20 concerning elementary and secondary education to reorganize and restate the law without substantive change. Passed 49-0.
HB 1314 Postsecondary program for high school students. Eliminates the requirement of approval from a school superintendent and a representative of a school corporation for a high school student to enroll in the postsecondary enrollment program. Requires a school corporation and a postsecondary institution to enter into a contract concerning credits for a student attending the postsecondary institution while the student is also attending secondary school. Passed 49-0.
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